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介面板 │ FMC Mezzanine Adapter Board

Product Summary

The proFPGA product family is a complete, scalable, and modular multi FPGA Prototyping solution, which fulfills highest needs in the area of FPGA based Prototyping. Because of its modular and scalable system architecture, the user has maximum flexibility and reusability.

Part of this modular and flexible system concept is the proFPGA FMC Mezzanine Adapter Board. This daughter board occupies two extension sites of the proFPGA system and provides a HPC (high pin count) connector which is compliant to the FMC standard [FMC] and supports a wide portfolio of FMC Mezzanine boards. It provides 1 FMC connector on the top side, 116 FMC bank A signals (58 differential signals), 44 FMC bank B signals (22 differential signals), 2 differential unidirectional clk signals, 2 differential bidirectional clk signals, 2 differential REFCLK signals for MGTs and 10 differential MGT signals (10 RX and 10 TX).


proFPGA FMC Mezzanine Adapter Board
FMC Connection 1 FMC connector (HPC (high pin count)) on the top side
Provided Signals 1 116 FMC bank A signals (58 differential signals)
Provided Signals 2 44 FMC bank B signals (22 differential signals)
Provided Clocks 2 differential unidirectional clk signals
2 differential bidirectional clk signals
MGT Support 10 differential MGT signals (10 RX and 10 TX)
2 differential REFCLK signals for MGTs
  產品文件:proFPGA 產品總覽 (EN)