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CR00100|Intel MAX 10 CRUVI Baseboard

CR00100-CRUVI MAX 10 Base Board with Intel MAX 10 FPGA, 8 MByte SDRAM, 4.5 x 5.7 cm

The Trenz Electronic CR00100-01 is a CRUVI base board with Intel FPGA.


 2022 11 22 100227


Key Features

  • On Board
    • JTAG and UART over Micro USB connector
    • 2 x User Push button
    • 4 x User LEDs (red, green)
  • SoC/FPGA
    • Intel MAX10 FPGA (10M08 as standard option)
  • RAM/Storage
    • 8 MByte SDRAM
  • Interface
    • 1 x CRUVI LS
    • 1 x CRUVI HS
  • Power
    • Power from micro USB connector
  • Dimension
    • 44.86 mm x 57.50 mm

Other assembly options for cost or performance optimization plus high volume prices available on request.

Scope of Delivery

  • 1 x CR00100-01-DBC82A Trenz Electronic CRUVI MAX10 Base Board with Intel MAX 10 FPGA
  • 4 x screws

20171115 04



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和澄科技 Haley Technology

電話 │ 886-3-5790380
傳真 │ 886-3-5790370
信箱 │
地址 │ 新竹市關新路27號18樓之2




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